Coda File System

Re: readdir can of worms ....

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 14:44:45 -0500
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 11:06:33AM -0800, Phil Nelson wrote:
>   f) Does venus need to read this directory container file or does it keep
> 	the vice directory structure in RVM?

No venus only writes out the directory container files.

>   Should venus convert to Linux version dirent also?  From my reading
>   code in NetBSD libc, it looks like the only common format is from
>   the readdir libc code and that does a final conversion from the
>   local OS dirent to the final format.  Why should we force yet
>   another conversion from BSD -> local OS format?

Linux might have had some kernel-version dependent changes in the
directory format. Haven't checked, but that would be a good reason to
keep the containerfile format in one standardized format (at least for

Received on 2000-02-02 15:01:22