(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hi all, It seems like most of the problems associated with splitting LWP out of the main tree have been resolved. I've modified my RVM and RPC2 packages to hopefully make for an even smoother transition. The new RPC2 tree is already abused quite heavily by the Odyssey group and all changes that happened in the main Coda tree have been applied. They seem to compile nicely on all platforms (Phil, I even tested on Solaris 7 this time ;). So I guess it's time for everyone to anticipate that they will soon need yet 2 other external packages before they can build Coda successfully. You can grab a copy of both trees from CVS CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous_at_coda.cs.cmu.edu:/coda-src, cvs login # empty password cvs co rpc2 cvs co rvm They are both similar to lwp in that they require automake, autoconf and libtool. In the root directory is ./bootstrap.sh which needs to be run to set up the basic build environment. JanReceived on 2000-02-10 12:44:33