Coda File System

and the disk acts full...

From: Bradley C. Kuszmaul <bradley_at_GRANITE.SYSTEMSX.CS.YALE.EDU>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 13:18:18 -0400
The disk is still acting full.  Any ideas?  I can't figure out why the
disk is acting full.


% cd /coda/usr/bradley
% cat>quux
cat: write error: No space left on device
% cfs listvol .
  Status of volume 0x2a000003 (704643075) named "user.bradley"
  Volume type is ReadWrite
  Minimum quota is 0, maximum quota is unlimited
  Current blocks used are 27962
  The partition has 1896228 blocks available out of 1924375
% volutil info user.bradley ~/
V_BindToServer: binding to host
VolInfo completed; results in /root/
% cat /root/
Volume header for volume 2a000003 (user.bradley)
stamp.magic = 78a1b2c5, stamp.version = 1
partition = (/vicepa)
inUse = 1, inService = 1, blessed = 1, needsSalvaged = 0, dontSalvage = 0
type = 0 (read/write), uniquifier = 2414, needsCallback = 0, destroyMe = 0
id = 2a000003, parentId = 2a000003, cloneId = 0, backupId = 0, restoredFromId = 0
maxquota = 0, minquota = 0, maxfiles = 0, filecount = 0, diskused = 27962
creationDate = 876370181 (97/10/09.00:09:41), copyDate = 876370181 (97/10/09.00:09:41)
backupDate = 0 (69/12/31.19:00:00), expirationDate = 0 (69/12/31.19:00:00)
accessDate = 0 (69/12/31.19:00:00), updateDate = 876417106 (97/10/09.13:11:46)
owner = 0, accountNumber = 0
dayUse = 16717; week = (36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), dayUseDate = 876373200 (97/10/09.01:00:00)
Received on 1997-10-09 13:24:50