Coda File System

Re: metadata, logs and files

From: Love <>
Date: 10 Feb 1998 21:22:02 +0100
"Peter J. Braam" <> writes:

> The regular files are stored in a "partition" or directory declared in
> /vice/db/vicetab in a tree structure, and referenced by a number.
> Ideally we would reference file directly by inode number. In particular
> the structure of the files stored on the server does not share the same
> naming and directory image as it does on the clients -- the naming and
> directory contents is in RVM.  Typically the files are stored under
> /vicepa. 

When you say "referenced by a number", are you meaning the the
number that is the equivalent to the Fid in AFS ? In that case
replicas of volues to other servers will get kind of hard too
get working.

To get this straigth, are you storing the fild ViceFid { 1 , 2, 3 }
in /vicepa/1/2 ? In that case where to you store stuff like acl:s ?

Received on 1998-02-10 15:24:17