(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
I am running, the patched version of venus that Jan gave to me this morning and it appears to be a little dodgy. Here is what happened. I was sitting in my dir and I just remade the project I was working on and fixed a few compilation errors. Then venus decided to reintegrate and all of the sudden the dir that I was in disappeared out from under me. Kind of interesting huh? [bwoodard_at_trill WorkArea]$ ls ls: npadmin: Input/output error CVSROOT/ ciscolplib/ mkfile.c scripts/ utils/ a.out* hpmclisten/ mkfile.c~ sddb/ webadmin/ balsvr/ jdxfer/ mkprint/ sddbtcp/ bob lpr-secure/ npadmin-0.3/ sockxfer/ bootp/ lprxfer/ pjlf/ sudoers cgi-scripts/ mkfile* pradmin/ upderp/ [bwoodard_at_trill WorkArea]$ mkdir npadmin mkdir: cannot make directory `npadmin': File exists [bwoodard_at_trill WorkArea]$ It seems like it exists but it isn't visible. -benReceived on 1998-07-09 16:03:38