(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
> > Hi, > This is all a bit tedious for the list but I could really do > with a few pointers. I am currently trying to intall coda and > have hit a bit of a brick wall. I followed all the instructions > for intalling vice and venus both of which are running on the > same server. However when I run 'au -h server nu' I enter a > username and password and It hangs then finnaly aborts whith > an error. Here is an example > > [root_at_ingrid]# au -h ingrid nu > Your Vice name: horms > Your password: > RPC2_Bind() --> RPC2_NOBINDING (F) > > and here is my /vice/db/users.coda > admin::500::Administrator:: > horms::7100::Horms:: > > horms has an entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/passwd- The bind error tells me that the auth2 server cannot be reached (or horms is not a valid user. With au you first authenticate yourself (as administrator) and then activate or change the user information. > The only unusual thing I noticed was that auth2 wans't running > and I started this manually. Am I right in thinking that this > should start up when you run startserver? That is a good reason for why it didn't work. auth2 is not started by startserver. /etc/rc.d/init.d/auth2.init start should start it correctly. You can look in /vice/auth2/AuthLog, to see if there was a problem starting it, or why au fails to connect to the server. > On a seprate issue I noticed that my machine seems to be trying to > contact (barber.coda.cs.cmu.edu) via UDP on port 1361. > This would seem to indicate that venus is trying to talk to > a vice on that machine. Any ideas? No, barber used to be a statistics gathering host, the machine does not exist, and any piece of code still referencing it should have been disabled long ago. I'll walk through the client and server code to see where it is still being referenced. CU, Jan Harkes <jaharkes_at_cs.cmu.edu>Received on 1998-08-30 21:02:43