Coda File System

Re: bootp using coda.

From: Peter J. Braam <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 11:42:52 -0400
We actually played with this.  Clearly a computer using Coda needs a
disk.  So our model was to allow a small amount of stuff to reside on
the local disk, enough to get the cache manager going.  

In the later stages of the "init" process, we would "chroot" to /coda
(or somewhere below it). 

Michael Callahan and I were the first to try it, and it worked, then
Keith Winstein went further and actually got it going I think. 

If you search on Coda list between June and September 1998, you'll find
the messages.

- Peter -

Roberto Diaz wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to find out if is possible to use bootp over CODA in someway
> similar to NFS.
> The aim is to make the whole boot process over coda.. Is there something
> developed about this?
> Saludos, adeu
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------
Received on 1999-04-29 11:44:23
Binary file ./codalist-1999/1315.html matches