Coda File System

Re: clogging in

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:51:03 -0400 said:
| Newbie question here. I tried out coda about a year ago or so ago and
| had so many problems I was forced to set it aside for a while. Now I
| thought that I would give it a whirl again. 

| I've got 5.2.3 running on the same machine the problem is that I can't
| do anything because I can't clog in. vice-setup made my userid the
| superuser but it didn't seem to set my clog password. I've tried my
| normal password and that doesn't work. So the question is how do I set
| the password for the first user, the adminstrator?

| -ben 

Vice-setup (or vice-setup-user, which is called from vice-setup), sets 
the admin password to ... "changeme" (without the quotes).

You should be able to use the 'au' tool to change it. Something like;
	au -h <scm> cp

Received on 1999-06-04 11:52:16