(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hi, I tried to get started with coda on an ultra1 (sparc64) machine with redhat-6.0, but was not able to use even the client. Whenever I start venus, I get the following message: "09:48:33 Write for flush failed (3), exiting" and /var/log/messages tells me "...kernel: psdev_write: msg (107374182400, 8213669689008056) not found" The problem remains, no matter wether I tried precompiled rpms, compiled the source by myself, used the coda.o module from kernel 2.2.5, 2.2.10 or from linux-coda-5.2.3-linux2.2.7.tgz. What am I doing wrong? (I have no experience with coda so far.) ___ |homas Moschny University of Wuppertal Theoretical Physics Gaussstr. 20, 42097 Wuppertal Office: F 10.08 Tel: +49-(0)202-439-3517Received on 1999-07-27 04:42:12