Coda File System

Cache constipation/'cfs listcache' output?

From: Bill Gribble <>
Date: 15 Oct 1999 09:35:23 -0500
I'm observing that after a few days of little use, or several hours 
of heavy use (compiling etc) I have to stop and restart venus 
(5.3.1) because the cache gets plugged up and I start getting 
ENOSPC all over the place.  

The output of 'cfs listcache' seems to be relevant... I see the names
of files that I haven't touched for days in there.  Some are marked
with '*'.  Does the '*' mean that venus thinks someone has the file
open for writing, or does it mean that the object is discardable,
or something else? 

Bill Gribble
Received on 1999-10-15 10:38:57