Coda File System

Re: quota

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 23:15:50 -0500
On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 10:32:21AM +0700, Densin Roy. wrote:
> That is quota per volume not quota per user right?

Yes, but it generally works out fine.

The really globally shared volumes, with binaries and such, are only
readable for normal users. Shared project volumes don't need per-user
quota's. User volumes are for a user, so if he allows others to write in
his volume, he better make sure that he has the ACL rights to remove
their stuff as well.

Per user volumes are almost required since conflict handling,
resolution, backups, locking, reintegration, etc. also works on a per
volume basis and for those reasons every user or project should get
their own volume to make sure they don't get shut out of the system
because someone else had a reintegration or server-server conflict.

Received on 2000-02-09 23:16:35