(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
i compiled: lwp-1.4.tar.gz rvm-1.0.tar.gz rpc2-1.3.tar.gz coda-5.3.6.tgz linux-coda-5.2.3-linux2.2.9.tgz on: linux-2.2.14 debian 2.1: ii libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries gcc version all compiles fine but vice-setup reports an error. The error is reported by rdsinit (started from vice-setup-rvm started from vice-setup). relevant output from vice-setup-rvm (I added the Calling line): Rdsinit will initialize data and log. This takes a while. Calling rdsinit -f /var/log/codalog /var/log/codadata 23068672 0x20000000 0x1200000 0x100000 80 32 rvm_initialize succeeded. Going to initialize data file to zero, could take awhile. done. ? ERROR: rds_zap_heap RVM_EOFFSET. Now I read in the mailinglist that this perhaps happens with low memory => i tried another machine (The same software configuration but much more memory) but the same error occured. btw i tried it verry often ;-) and even a reboot didn't help ;-)) thx for any help PS: the init scipts use a non-existent path (/var/lock/subsys) for the lock files on debian and silently do nothing ;-) (for me I changed it to /var/lock) -- email karme_at_unforgettable.com IRC Karme HP http://www-ti.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/~thiele HP http://homepages.uni-tuebingen.de/student/jens.thiele/Received on 2000-03-29 18:20:50