Coda File System

Re: coda server crashed and won't recover

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 09:25:51 -0400
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 05:40:49PM -0400, Stephan Koledin wrote:
> > Ok, this is the bad volume, create a file called 
> > /vice/vol/skipsalvage,
> > with the following content.
> > 
> > -8<--/vice/vol/skipsalvage------------------------------------
> > 1
> > 1000004
> > -8<-----------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> I could not get the skipsalvage file to work. The server would start up the
> exact same way with the same errors. I tried tweaking some of the server
> flags (such as -forcesalvage and -quicksalvage), but with no success. It
> appeared as if codasrv never checked the file. I verified it's existence in
> the source and such, but could not figure out what the problem was. Any
> ideas why this didn't work?

Hmm, I haven't used the skipsalvage file for a while, maybe something
got messed up while introducing the multiple-servers on one machine
support. Or maybe the volume number should have a '0x' in front of it.

Received on 2000-08-17 09:27:33