Coda File System

Re: debian packaging

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 10:52:05 -0400
On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 11:17:00PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Here's some more weirdness (on a laptop at home; the first cfs cs was
> before the PPP link came up, the second after):
> bash-2.04$ cfs cs
> Cannot read configuration file '/usr/local/etc/coda/venus.conf', will use default values.
> Contacting servers .....
> These servers still down:
> bash-2.04$ cfs cs
> Cannot read configuration file '/usr/local/etc/coda/venus.conf', will use default values.
> Contacting servers .....
> All servers up
> Why are we looking in /usr/local/etc/coda/venus.conf?

You ran configure without specifying --prefix=/usr, so the new stuff is
all installed in /usr/local.

> Is the server address intentionally backwards (in the usual MSB first
> order it is, or are we missing an ntohl() call?  (In
> case you're wondering, DNS is unreliable on the dialup link so I
> intentionally configured it as a numerical IP address.)

After 5.3.8, all places that handle ip-addresses in the client have been
changed from long integers in host byte order to struct in_addr in
network byte order. Here you are probably using a new cfs binary
(/usr/local/bin/cfs) against the old venus (/usr/sbin/venus).

Received on 2000-10-10 10:55:29