Coda File System

Re: inconsistencies of venus

From: Ivo Vollrath <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 15:48:14 +0100
> > When I move huge amounts of data from a local drive to a coda 
> > volume, I get inconsistencies with the coda server.  My local
> > venus cache is about 100M large but the data I am moving is
> > larger (e.g. an installation directory of StarOffice).
> > It seems that the inconsistencies do not occur when I disable
> > write-back caching (by saying "cfs writereconnect").
> > [...]
> > For now, I can live with write-back caching disabled, but
> > perhaps someone knows another nifty patch that solves the problem?
> I am just guessing here but have you told venus you have a strong
> connection by using:
> cfs strong
> I heard from someone else that this helped them when they were loading
> up a large amount of data into coda.

I (now) think this is exactly what I did by saying "cfs writereconnect"
and it really helps.
However, since my client is also the server, I think that the 
inconsistencies are caused by a bug in coda and I though there might
might be a known solution.

Received on 2001-01-08 09:51:38
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