Coda File System

Re: weakly connected reintegration

From: Petr Tuma <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:32:24 +0100

> There is reintegration, when a client sends a batch of operation to the
> servers. And resolution where servers try to make sure their copies of
> the data are in sync. Resolution is triggered by a client who detects
> the differences in the version vectors when accessing the object.

> On slow links there is the `weak-reintegration' where a client
> reintegrates only with one server in the replicated group and then
> immediately triggers resolution on the affected objects.

Do I understand it correctly that weak reintegration presents little 
speedup on slow link then ? Because if resolution is triggered 
immediately after reintegration to one server and the volume gets 
locked, then the client still has to wait until all servers catch up ?

Petr Tuma
Received on 2001-01-29 04:32:35