Coda File System

Re: codasrv: open_log failed RVM_EIO

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 12:11:58 -0500
On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 12:37:32PM +0000, J.D. Hedley wrote:
> hi,
> I'm trying to setup a coda server on Redhat 6.2, from the latest coda
> rpms version 5.3.12
> everything seems fine until I try to start codasrv when I get 'open_log
> failed' with an RVM_EIO in the SysLog.  The log file is there and
> looks ok, however.  I've tried different setup parameters, file sizes etc
> - still the same error.

What is in /vice/srv.conf, are you using relative pathnames?
Is the log a raw diskpartition, or stored on a filesystem and which type
of filesystem?
Can you open the log using rvmutl?

    # rvmutl
    * open /.../.../rvmlog
    * status
    * quit

> I searched the list archive and have found a reference to the same error
> on a debian system, but no real solution (?).  I can think of lots of
> things to try, but if someone's had this problem and can point me in the
> right direction I'd appreciate it.

All I can do is try to reproduce it, although with RVM it always seems
to be very hard to reproduce problems. Maybe send me a compressed and
uuencode or mimeencoded copy of your RVM log.

Received on 2001-02-07 12:12:03