Coda File System

Re: Mobile configuration question

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:59:21 -0500
On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 02:10:37PM +0100, Piotr K. Isajew wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using coda in two separate networks (two different SCM's on 
> two different machines in two separate IP networks). There is no
> (as for now) IP connectivity between those networks. And now my 
> question:
> Is it possible (and if it is, then how should I do this) to 
> configure venus on my mobile PC such, that it would have access to 
> the resources of both networks (in example: if I am in the A network,
> then I want to have A volumes connected, and access to B network volumes
> in disconnected mode)?

Yes and no, at the moment venus and the kernel-module have problems with
multiple realms, because different objects in both realms have the same
object identifiers. However, with the introduction of masquerading
support (client is no longer bound to 2430/udp) and the multiple mount
feature that was introduced in Linux 2.4 a "poor man's" multirealm is

Run a second venus with an alternative configuration file,


There are still several issues, such as clog which can only pass tokens
to the first venus process.

Received on 2001-02-13 10:01:11