(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 11:54:41AM -0500, Brad Clements wrote: > Was mentioned a while back, was wondering where I can find it.. I've placed Amanda + my current Coda changes under CVS. It is based on Amanda 2.4.2 (+ debian patches). It might be possible to do some funky CVS merging when you want to get rid of those debian changes which are mostly for building the debian package and placing various files according to debian policy (the filesystem hierarchy standard). I've been running this against 3 of our servers on a daily basis. The only amanda server change is to avoid dying on the new "CODA" dumpprogram. Indexing of the contents of the dumps is not yet supported, and what ends up on tape is a straight Coda volume dumps (no standard formats like tar or dump). To restore such a Coda volume dump, pull the dump from tape using amrestore, and then ship it off to a Coda server using volutil restore. Support for a CODA dumptype have been merged into the source for selfcheck and sendbackup. For the size estimation there is a wrapper script around calcsize which isn't installed automatically. After the amanda-client installation (on the Coda servers) do, mv ${libexecdir}/calcsize ${libexecdir}/calcsize.real cp ${srcdir}/client-src/calcsize.coda-wrapper ${libexecdir}/calcsize Where ${libexecdir} is something like /usr/lib/amanda. Here is a short explanation of how to set things up, Amanda.conf needs something like, define dumptype coda-sys { comment "Coda system volumes" program "CODA" options compress-fast priority low } define dumptype coda-usr { comment "Coda user volumes" program "CODA" options compress-fast priority high } define dumptype coda-usr-test { comment "Testrun for dumping Coda user volumes" program "CODA" options compress-fast, no-record priority high } Then the disklist would contain entries such as, codaserver1 coda:root coda-sys codaserver2 coda:root coda-sys codaserver1 u:jaharkes coda-usr codaserver2 u:jaharkes coda-usr And it is possible to still do regular dumps of normal disks, codaserver1 hda1 comp-root When using a pre-5.3.13 server, the hexadecimal id of the underlying replica must be used instead of the replicated volume names. To get all this, cvs -d':pserver:anonymous_at_coda.cs.cmu.edu:/coda-src' login Password: <empty> cvs -d':pserver:anonymous_at_coda.cs.cmu.edu:/coda-src' co amanda The Coda patches are on the trunk or HEAD branch. The vendor branch is tagged AMANDA. On this branch are the pristine 2.4.2 sources, tagged as V2_4_2, followed by V2_4_2_debian2 (the second debian release), etc. To get just the Coda related diffs should be something like, cvs -d':pserver:anonymous_at_coda.cs.cmu.edu:/coda-src' rdiff -u \ -rAMANDA -rHEAD amanda JanReceived on 2001-03-02 18:03:02