Coda File System

CodaFS on GNU/Linux + Alpha AXP

From: Jean-Loup DARNAY <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 19:06:37 +0200
Please, i would like to know if there is some implementation of Coda on
an DEC Alpha GNU/Linux platform or if someone did try to build one ?
Thank you,

	Jean-Loup Darnay / Open Mind.

      L O G I C I E L S   L I B R E S   -   S Y S T E M E S   O U V E R

                 3 rue de la Coudre         Tel/Fax : 33 (0)1 62 22 60
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"Ne cherche pas l'eau, cherche la soif, et jailliront les sources autour
de toi !"
 Proverbe persan.
Received on 2001-05-21 13:06:44
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