Coda File System

"Device not configured" -happens during large copy from venus

From: GiantWEB <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 08:53:16 -0400
I got all working except when I try and move my 1.5 gigs of content to the
coda dir
it crashes.

It works for a while (I am watching in verbose mode) then starts coming back
with "Device not configured" on all copies..

After that the device no longer responds..

I am coping 1000's of files, can CODA handle this job?

here is tail of console log:

20:03:50 Reintegrate: mallcom-main, 100/28264 records, result = SUCCESS
20:03:52 Reintegrate: mallcom-main, 100/28485 records, result = SUCCESS
20:03:56 Reintegrate: mallcom-main, 100/28685 records, result = SUCCESS
20:03:58 Checkpointing mallcom-main
20:03:58 to /usr/coda/spool/0/mallcom-main@_coda.tar
20:03:58 and /usr/coda/spool/0/mallcom-main@_coda.cml
20:10:08 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 84299)
20:10:44 volume mallcom-main CML is busy, skip checkpoint!

20:25:44 Local inconsistent object at
/coda/home/mallcom/html/docs/bg03/features, please check!

20:25:44 Reintegrate: mallcom-main, 100/28934 records, result = Permission
20:25:44 worker::Return: message write error 3 (op = 11, seq = 84299),
wrote -1 of 112 bytes

20:25:44 Reintegrate: mallcom-main, 12/29003 records, result = SUCCESS
20:26:15 Local inconsistent object at
/coda/home/mallcom/html/docs/bg03/features, please check!

20:30:45 volume mallcom-main has unrepaired local subtree(s), skip
checkpointing CML!

20:31:15 Local inconsistent object at
/coda/home/mallcom/html/docs/bg03/features, please check!

20:34:15 fatal error -- fsobj::dir_Create: (vgbbos_b.jpg,
7f000000.fffffffe.83c72) Create failed!
20:34:20 RecovTerminate: dirty shutdown (1 uncommitted transactions)
Assertion failed: 0, file "", line 94
Sleeping forever.  You may use gdb to attach to process 1207

I look at df and it looks like this:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1              5747912   2727236   2728700  50% /
/dev/sda7              2688044        20   2551476   0% /logs
/dev/sda5              9076364   1529764   7085540  18% /main
Coda                   9000000         0   9000000   0% /coda

Thanks in advance,

Received on 2001-06-01 08:52:35
Binary file ./codalist-2001/3382.html matches