Coda File System

can't get port from rpc2portmap

Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:27:11 +0800
Dear All

I'm newer to coda. when I setup non-scm server(lb3), such error happens:

Is this the master, aka the SCM machine?(y/n) n
Enter the hostname of the SCM machine: lb4
Enter the update token that matches SCM lb4: asdfasdf
Cannot get port from rpc2portmap:exiting
Could not contact SCM. Rerun when SCM is up.

I can ping lb4 from lb3 and there are no firewall rules in both, and setup
lb4 as SCM .
ps -A from lb4:
startserver ,codasrv,auth2,rpc2portmap,venus,updateclnt, such processes are

So what should I do now?

Received on 2001-06-13 02:09:57
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