Coda File System

Re: GetRootVolume error with a good hosts file

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 11:09:08 -0400
On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 04:41:07PM +0000, wrote:
> codasrv         2432/tcp   codasrv
> codasrv         2432/udp   codasrv
> codasrv-se      2433/tcp   codasrv-se
> codasrv-se      2433/udp   codasrv-se
> codaauth2       370/tcp    codaauth2
> codaauth2       370/udp    codaauth2
> is on the "/etc/services" of the two machines.

You don't need,
    codasrv 	2432/tcp
    codasrv-se	2432/tcp
    codaauth2	370/tcp

And you're missing,
    rpc2portmap 369/udp
    venus    	2430/tcp
    venus	2430/udp
    venus-se    2432/udp

But all of that shouldn't matter much because we have hardcoded most of
these IANA assigned portnumbers in case the getservbyname lookup fails.
It was a far too common reason for problems.

>  Portmap is running on the two machines. The server runs:
> portmap

We don't use the ONC/SUNRPC portmapper, different protocol.

> auth2
> rpc2portmap
> updatesrv -p /vice/db

This is most likely wrong, the updatesrv should work fine when it is
started without any options, or with '-p /vice'. Now the updateclnt is
monitoring changes to non-existing files like '/vice/db/db/files'
instead of the existing '/vice/db/files'. But all of this should not be
important if you have a single-client, single-server setup.

>  And the client runs:
> portmap

Again, we don't rely on a ONC/SUNRPC portmap daemon.

> 15:26:16 GetRootVolume: can't get root volume name!
> each 30 seconds.
>  The server does perceive nothing on his logs, what should mean that it is
> not connecting client and server in any way. The two see between them with
> ping, telnet and ftp.

Ok, that would be the first RPC2 call that the client makes. What is
configured as 'rootservers' in /etc/coda/venus.conf? It should be,
rootservers="server", but it probably is configured to try and connect
to our testserver here at CMU.

On the other hand, when vice-setup is done with the 'static' server
configuration, there are no volumes created automatically. vice-setup
gives list of commands that will 'finalize' the setup.

 - create your root volume: createvol_rep <rootvolume> E0000100 [<partition>]
 - setup a client: venus-setup <servername> 20000
 - start venus: venus
 - enjoy Coda.
 - for more information see

So perhaps you are just missing this one final step on the server,

    createvol_rep `cat /vice/db/ROOTVOLUME` E0000100

Received on 2001-07-17 11:09:20