Coda File System

Re: hoarding for disconnected mode: permission denied

From: Andre Holzner <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 15:46:17 +0200

Jan Harkes wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 11:32:25AM +0200, Andre Holzner wrote:
> >   $ hoard list
> >   <7f000001, ./holzner/qqnn>, 0, 600:d+
> >
> > What do these numbers actually mean ? (I couldn't find it
> > in the documentation):
> >   7f000001 seems to be some volume id, but is the 0 an user id ?
> 7f00001 is the volumeid, all hoard entries are associated with their
> volume, the second part is the path relative from the volume root.
> '0' is the 'vuid' and it is a bit strange that it is 0, it is the userid
> of the user on the local system (i.e. not the Coda userid).
> 600 is the priority at which the objects are hoarded, and d+ indicates
> that all descendants need to be hoarded as well.
> > Now the problem is, if I do:
> >
> >   $ cd /coda/holzner/qqnn/
> >   $ touch bar
> >   touch: creating `bar': Permission denied
> It looks like Venus doesn't know that your local user-id actually has
> access permissions for these files. The hoard add command should have
> been run as your 'local' userid and hoard should have pulled in the
> access permission for your user as well as the objects.
> Hmm, is the hoard command on your system by any chance setuid root? 

yes, it was. I made it suid root because I got a permission denied
when doing 

  hoard -f /tmp/hoardfile

However, since I included now the entry primaryuser=...
in /etc/coda/venus.conf, this also works for my normal user id.

So adding the primaryuser entry and going back to the original 
non-suid root hoard executable solved my problems (hoard list
shows now also the nonzero user id).

thanks a lot and best regards,

Andre Holzner     | +41 22 76 76750 
Bureau 32 2-C13   | Building 32     
CERN              | Office 2-C13    
CH-1211 Geneve 23 |
Received on 2001-07-26 09:47:42
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