Coda File System

read and write hangs

From: <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 21:20:51 +0000 (/etc/localtime)
 Hello, coda hackers!

 I am working with a replicated coda server, and it works fine. Anyway,
from times to times reading and writting on a client "hangs", that is, I
can not read, I can not write, the applications stay waiting forever, and
a ls -l also stay waiting forever.

 There is no colition -I tested also with only one venus client-, and
venus says to me:

20:57:22 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 134401)
20:58:38 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 135274)
20:59:54 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 136919)
21:00:06 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 136964)
21:00:22 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 137024)
21:01:54 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 137126)

 They are four nodes, them four connected to a 100Mb switch with no other
load than coda. Telnet connections work fine, them four looks perfectly

 Any ideas?



Received on 2001-08-10 15:12:20