(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
"Florian Schaefer" <florian_at_netego.de> writes: [...] > A secound question: How can I get coda not to write any startup messages > on my console? It is just ugly to have a login prompt and than some IIRC we patched the venus startup script for that. Of course you should edit coda/coda-src/scripts/venus.init.in if you do it properly ... So long, Steffen RCS file: venus.init,v retrieving revision 1.1 diff -u -r1.1 venus.init --- venus.init 2001/01/26 12:16:06 1.1 +++ venus.init 2001/01/26 12:17:00 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ exit 1 fi [ -d /var/lock/subsys ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/venus.init - ${exec_prefix}/sbin/venus & + ${exec_prefix}/sbin/venus >/dev/null & echo "done." ;; stop)Received on 2001-08-16 03:40:40