Coda File System

auth -h scm nu AUTHFAILED??

From: Michael J. Lanham <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 16:40:50 -0400
Well, changing my codaadmin passwd worked fine using au cp
au cp
Your Vice name: codaadmin
Your password: 
RPC2_Bind() --> RPC2_SUCCESS

What is not working is two users, and setting their passwds...
au -h scm nu
Your Vice name: codaadmin
Your password: 
RPC2_Bind() --> RPC2_NOBINDING (F)

au cp
Your Vice name: codaadmin
Your password: 
RPC2_Bind() --> RPC2_SUCCESS
User name: foobar
New password: thisIsDumb
AuthChangePasswd() --> AUTH_FAILED

Any ideas on why I cannot change user passwds?

here is the output of pdbtool:
[root_at_server db]# pdbtool
pdbtool> list
USER System
  *  id: 1
  *  belongs to groups: [ -2 ]
  *  cps: [ -2 1 ]
  *  owns groups: [ -2 ]
USER codaadmin
  *  id: 502
  *  belongs to groups: [ -3 -1 ]
  *  cps: [ -3 -1 502 ]
  *  owns groups: [ -3 -1 ]
USER mlanham
  *  id: 503
  *  belongs to groups: [ -3 ]
  *  cps: [ -3 503 ]
  *  owns no groups
USER foobar
  *  id: 504
  *  belongs to groups: [ -3 ]
  *  cps: [ -3 504 ]
  *  owns no groups
GROUP Users OWNED BY codaadmin
  *  id: -3
  *  owner id: 502
  *  belongs to no groups
  *  cps: [ -3 ]
  *  has members: [ 502 503 504 ]
GROUP System:AnyUser OWNED BY System
  *  id: -2
  *  owner id: 1
  *  belongs to no groups
  *  cps: [ -2 ]
  *  has members: [ 1 ]
GROUP System:Administrators OWNED BY codaadmin
  *  id: -1
  *  owner id: 502
  *  belongs to no groups
  *  cps: [ -1 ]
  *  has members: [ 502 ]


Michael Lanham
Captain, Infantry
United States Army

TA for CIS 4930/6930 Unix System Admin
Received on 2001-10-18 16:41:16