(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hi all. During exploring CODA I have the next questions: 1. As written in the CFS Manual page 59 point 8 I can not get tokens when the client is disconnected. How should I work with CODA when I'm on a trip, in a train, car, plane, ... ? 2. On my server I get "Caution, replicated volume 0x1000001, resolution is turned off." What shouldt this tell me, and how can I fix it? 3. The read performance seem to be arround 2 MB/s which is ok for the beginning - but the write porformance seems to be arround 150kB/s which is slightly too slow ... Any ideas? Thanks. -- eMail: rene.rebe_at_gmx.net rene_at_rocklinux.org Homepage: http://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/ Anyone sending unwanted advertising e-mail to this address will be charged $25 for network traffic and computing time. By extracting my address from this message or its header, you agree to these terms.Received on 2002-02-17 21:50:48