Coda File System

YAVC (Yet another venus crash)

From: Steffen Neumann <sneumann_at_TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 14:06:28 +0200 (MET DST)
Hi there,

Here is another traceback of a venus crash,
no data was lost, for debugging purpose only.

The user did (afaik) not do any serious writes,
but used software installed on /coda  



Coda Venus, version 5.3.17

Date: Tue 05/14/2002

13:51:37 /vol/coda/coda_client/LOG size is 25831424 bytes
13:51:37 /vol/coda/coda_client/DATA size is 103320200 bytes
13:51:37 Loading RVM data
13:51:41 Last init was Wed Nov 14 09:58:04 2001
13:51:41 Last shutdown was clean
13:51:41 starting VDB scan
13:51:41        59 volume replicas
13:51:41        58 replicated volumes
13:51:41        3 CML entries allocated
13:51:41        0 CML entries on free-list
13:51:41 starting FSDB scan (41666, 1000000) (25, 75, 4)
13:51:48        11454 cache files in table (212567 blocks)
13:51:48        30212 cache files on free-list
Assertion failed: vol->IsReplicated(), file "", line 1884
Sleeping forever.  You may use gdb to attach to process 638


Dyn-Laptop-26:/vol/coda/coda_client/etc # cat venus.log

[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:37 ] Coda Venus, version 5.3.17
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:37 ] Logfile initialized with LogLevel = 0 at Tue May 14 13:51:37 2002

[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:37 ] E StatsInit()
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:37 ] L StatsInit()
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:41 ] BeginRvmFlush (1, 60, F)
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:41 ] EndRvmFlush
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:41 ] BeginRvmTruncate (1, 232, F)
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:41 ] EndRvmTruncate
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:48 ] fsobj::Recover: invalid fso (Dyn-Laptop-05, (0xffffffff.0xfffffffe.0x10)), attempting to GC...
0x256af508 : fid = ((0xffffffff.0xfffffffe.0x10)), comp = Dyn-Laptop-05, vol = 26283e88
        state = Dying, stat = { 193, 5, 1020872166, 64, 0644, 0, File }, rc rights = 0
        VV = {[ 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] [ 0x1b2eabb4 1581 ] [ 0 ]}
        voltype = [1 0 0], fake = 0, fetching = 0 local = 1
        rep = 0, data = 0, owrite = 0, dirty = 1, shadow = 0
        mvstat = Normal
        parent = ((0xffffffff.0xffffffff.0xf), 0), children = 0
        priority = -1 (11111), hoard = [0, -2, 0], lastref = 335446
        mle_bindings = (0, 0), cleanstat = [193, 1020872166]
        cachefile = [ 00/00/6A/8F, 674886, 0/0 ]
        refs = [0 0 0], openers = [0 0 0]       lastresolved = 0
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:48 ] fsobj::Recover: invalid fso (Dyn-Laptop-05, (0xffffffff.0xfffffffe.0x11)), attempting to GC...
0x256ad908 : fid = ((0xffffffff.0xfffffffe.0x11)), comp = Dyn-Laptop-05, vol = 26283e88
        state = Dying, stat = { 193, 5, 1021013948, 65534, 0644, 1, File }, rc rights = 0
        VV = {[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] [ 0xffffffff 0 ] [ 0 ]}
        voltype = [1 0 0], fake = 0, fetching = 0 local = 1
        rep = 0, data = 0, owrite = 0, dirty = 1, shadow = 0
        mvstat = Normal
        parent = ((0xffffffff.0xffffffff.0xf), 0), children = 0
        priority = -1 (49415), hoard = [0, -2, 0], lastref = 381728
        mle_bindings = (0, 0), cleanstat = [193, 1021013948]
        cachefile = [ 00/00/6A/9F, 674894, 0/0 ]
        refs = [0 0 0], openers = [0 0 0]       lastresolved = 0
[ X(00) : 0000 : 13:51:48 ] fsobj::Recover: invalid fso (laptop_liste, (0xffffffff.0xffffffff.0xf)), attempting to GC...
0x256af888 : fid = ((0xffffffff.0xffffffff.0xf)), comp = laptop_liste, vol = 26283e88
        state = Dying, stat = { 2048, 93479, 1021013948, 10157, 0777, 2, Directory }, rc rights = 0
        VV = {[ 93131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] [ 0x2fde3a51 23072 ] [ 0x8 ]}
        ac rights = { [7f 10] [-1 0 00] [-1 0 00] [-1 0 00] [-1 0 00] [-1 0 00] [-1 0 00] [-1 0 00] [65534 7f 10] }
        voltype = [1 0 0], fake = 0, fetching = 0 local = 1
        rep = 0, data = 0, owrite = 0, dirty = 1, shadow = 0
        mvstat = Normal
        parent = ((0x0.0x0.0x0), 0), children = 0
        priority = -1 (4003), hoard = [0, -2, 0], lastref = 381723
        mle_bindings = (0, 0), cleanstat = [2048, 1021013948]
        cachefile = [ 00/00/6A/8D, -1, 0/0 ]
        directory = 0
        refs = [0 0 0], openers = [0 0 0]       lastresolved = 0


gdb shows:

0x401783a1 in nanosleep () from /lib/
(gdb) where
#0  0x401783a1 in nanosleep () from /lib/
#1  0x4017832b in __sleep (seconds=1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sleep.c:82
#2  0x80cf5ca in coda_assert (pred=0x80d62c3 "vol->IsReplicated()", file=0x80d478d "", line=1884)
    at coda_assert.c:46
#3  0x80592a3 in fsobj::CancelStores (this=0x256af508) at
#4  0x8051b30 in FSOInit () at
#5  0x80883ba in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd94) at

(gdb) print *this
$4 = {MagicNumber = 2687694, fid = {Volume = 4294967295, Vnode = 4294967294, Unique = 16}, 
  comp = 0x2505c448 "Dyn-Laptop-05", vol = 0x26283e88, primary_handle = {next = 0x256ad920}, 
  vol_handle = {next = 0x256ad924, _vptr. = 0x0}, prio_handle = {mytree = 0x0, parent = 0x0, 
    leftchild = 0x0, rightchild = 0x0, _vptr. = 0x0}, del_handle = {next = 0x256ad940, 
    prev = 0x256af8c0, _vptr. = 0x0}, owrite_handle = {next = 0x0, _vptr. = 0x0}, state = FsoDying, 
  stat = {VnodeType = File, LinkCount = 0 '\000', Length = 193, DataVersion = 5, VV = {Versions = {
        Site0 = 6, Site1 = 0, Site2 = 0, Site3 = 0, Site4 = 0, Site5 = 0, Site6 = 0, Site7 = 0}, 
      StoreId = {Host = 456043444, Uniquifier = 1581}, Flags = 0}, Date = 1020872166, 
    Author = 4294967295, Owner = 64, Mode = 420}, GotThisData = 0, RcRights = 0, AnyUser = {
    uid = 4294967295, rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, valid = 0}, SpecificUser = {{uid = 4294967295, 
      rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, valid = 0}, {uid = 4294967295, rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, 
      valid = 0}, {uid = 4294967295, rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, valid = 0}, {uid = 4294967295, 
      rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, valid = 0}, {uid = 4294967295, rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, 
      valid = 0}, {uid = 4294967295, rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, valid = 0}, {uid = 4294967295, 
      rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, valid = 0}, {uid = 4294967295, rights = 0 '\000', inuse = 0, 
      valid = 0}}, flags = {random = 11111, fake = 0, owrite = 0, dirty = 1, local = 1, ckmtpt = 0, 
    fetching = 0, padding = 0}, mvstat = NORMAL, u = {root = 0x0, mtpoint = 0x0}, pfid = {
    Volume = 4294967295, Vnode = 4294967295, Unique = 15}, pfso = 0x256af888, children = 0x0, 
  child_link = {next = 0x256ada14, prev = 0x256ada14, _vptr. = 0x0}, priority = -1, HoardPri = 0, 
  HoardVuid = 4294967294, hdb_bindings = 0x0, FetchAllowed = 1, AskingAllowed = 0, 
  mle_bindings = 0x812e2f0, CleanStat = {Length = 193, Date = 1020872166}, tSid = {Host = 0, 
    Uniquifier = 0}, shadow = 0x0, data = {havedata = 0, file = 0x0, dir = 0x0, symlink = 0x0}, 
  ix = 27279, cf = {length = 0, validdata = 0, refcnt = 1, inode = 674886, name = "00/00/6A/8F", 
    numopens = 1}, fso_sync = 0 '\000', readers = 0, writers = 0, openers = 0, Writers = 0, Execers = 0, 
  refcnt = 0, lastresolved = 0}

Received on 2002-05-14 08:07:54