Coda File System

Re: 2 Giga files...

From: Ivan Popov <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 19:49:38 +0100 (MET)
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Jan Harkes wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 10:19:31AM +0100, Fabrizio Morbini wrote:
> > Hi, Can Coda handle file with size bigger than 2 Giga?
> I'm pretty sure it doesn't. And would even go as far as to question
> whether it is all that useful.

Hello Jan,

I think that it hardly would be of any practical use, as you pointed out.

On the other side it would be nice to avoid arbitrary limitations.

Say if you do not know the file size in advance, and once in a million
it is going to grow over 2G? I can think that you *may* want to continue
operating, then be able to say compress/analyze/process the file once,
and 4 minutes is nothing compared to say 3 weeks to create the file ? :-)

I mean it is still useful to be *able* to handle big files (and may
indeed be very useful) even if you always will want most of your files to
be small.

Unfortunately, I think this limitation is not too easy to change
and even more unfortunately there are other ones, even may be some more
important ones?.. :-)

Well, in fact I think Coda is a great combination of features.

Limitations exist everywhere - as the resources (the designers, the
coders, the hardware) always are limited.

Received on 2002-11-11 13:51:12