(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hello, hen running vice-setup or vice-setup-rvm I get an error on the rds_zap_heap part. It works fine with a size of the datapartition of 22M, 44M, 90M, 130M and 200M, but it breaks when I select the 315M. The log size was 4M. The real log partition is 50M, and the data partition is 350M in cfdisk. The real partition of /vicepa is 11Gb, and the /usr/coda has that size too. This is the error: ? ERROR: rds_zap_heap RVM_EINTERNAL. rvm_initialize and the initialisation of the data file to zero succeeds. I'm running rvm and coda cvs from 13 November -- Marcel Pol Linux 2.4.19-18mdk-ringworld.1, up 8 days, 13:41 Registered User #163523Received on 2002-11-19 07:52:58