(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hey all, I've been playing around with CODA for the past couple weeks. I've got a server setup with two clients running linux. Everything appears to be fine and dandy until there's a consistency failure. Here's what I do: 1) clog into the clients using the same id 2) On client1, I create a file with the 'cat > blah' command... and just enter garbage into the file. 3) On client2, I delete the file that is still in the process of being created by client1. 4) I close the created file on client1. It now shows up as something like: blah -> @7f000000.00001421.000007c3 when I do an 'ls -l' on it. 5) I attempt a repair... but get messages like this: # repair This repair tool can be used to manually repair server/server or local/global conflicts on files and directories. You will first need to do a "beginrepair" to start a repair session where messages about the nature of the conflict and the commands that should be used to repair the conflict will be displayed. Help message on individual commands can also be obtained by using the "help" facility. Finally, you can use the "endrepair" or "quit" to terminate the current repair session. repair > beginrepair blah Too few directory entries Could not allocate replica list beginrepair failed. repair > beginrepair blah Could not allocate new repvol: Object not in conflict beginrepair failed. repair > 13:30:35 Local inconsistent object at /coda/usr/samir/blah, please check! If I do an 'ls -l blah' now, I get: lrw-r--r-- 1 root nfsnobod 27 Apr 15 13:35 global -> @7f000000.000018f2.000007ef -rw-rw-r-- 1 samir nfsnobod 14 Apr 15 12:19 local Also, at this point, it seems that I can make changes to directories under /coda w/o even having authentication tokens (none of these changes propagate back to the server though). Pretty much, even though the client thinks it's connected to the server. If I do a 'cfs listvol' on the directory, I get: Status of volume 0x7f000000 (2130706432) named "MLB_TEST" Volume type is ReadWrite Connection State is WriteDisconnected Minimum quota is 0, maximum quota is unlimited Current blocks used are 102772 The partition has 3460228 blocks available out of 8041036 Write-back is disabled *** There are pending conflicts in this volume *** There are 2 CML entries pending for reintegration but I can't ever get the conflicts resolved. The only way to get things back to "normal" is to shut Coda down, and re-run venus-setup. Occasionally, I can't even cleanly shutdown Coda (get timeout error's trying to access /coda partition), in which case I just reboot the client. This is a fairly vanilla setup... I think. It's got the latest version of the Coda client and ver 5.3.19 of the server installed. All the other utilities on the client side are up-to-date. RPC, LWP, etc. on the clients is all up-to-date, but these might be one or two versions behind on the server. The clients are running kernel ver 2.4.18, and the server has 2.4.19. I have a feeling I'm missing something really simple, as this seems like basic functionality. Any help is more than welcome! Thanks, SamirReceived on 2003-04-15 15:55:26