Coda File System

Re: coda configuration with a non-scm and a scm server

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 10:59:29 -0400
On Wed, Apr 16, 2003 at 11:48:33AM +0200, Markus Markert wrote:
> we need a server that replicates to an client. it will be a webserver which 
> have html php files on it. these files should replicate to the non-scm 
> server. but can the webserver (apache) access the files, when a coda client 
> (venus) is not running? can i install the venus client on the scm server?

Steffen was correct, you need at least a Coda client for every

Coda clients have a persistent local cache so they tend to hit a server
not as hard and can function while disconnected, you do not necessarily
need to have replicated servers as well. Server replication does have
it's benefits, you can blow away and rebuild a server without having to
go back to backups.

> later i want to stock it up to the hole amount of MB/GB of the partitions.
> how do i configure this?
> i mean, changing rvm data from 315 M to 3 GB

It is a tricky process, I documented the steps here,

> /vice/db/VSGDB
> 	E0000104 ds11 ds10		(is the replication sektion for the 2 servers or not?)


> have i configured the above files correct? 

They look allright.

> now, how can i put some files in the coda db. must i use venus?

Do you mean there are no files in /vice/db on the non-scm server? The
updateclnt/updatesrv should be responsible for keeping those in sync. If
that isn't happening you might need to copy the /vice/db/files and
/vice/db/ files to the non-scm and restart updateclnt.

If you mean files that would show up in /coda, then yes, you must use

> can i install on the scm or the non-scm server a venus client? Or must i 
> install a coda client on a third machine?

Coda clients can run on the same machine as Coda servers.

Received on 2003-04-16 11:01:18