Coda File System

Re: Small Doubt

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 10:22:42 -0400
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 11:48:31AM +0530, Mahesh wrote:
> I had just set up SCM and non SCM server with only one replicated
> volume that to for codaroot.Two clients were running on the both machine
> connected to the respective servers on their machine.
> When any clients writes(creates a file) which is visible to other 
> client,but
> the /vicepa directory which is in SCM shows the number list of files.
> What about /vicepa directory on non SCM machine?
> I mean
> SCM                    non SCM
> /vicepa                /vicepa
> should both have number list on both sides in /vicepa?


Anything in srvlog about problem with the vicetab, does the non-scm have
any messages in the log confirming that it actually created of the
replicated volume replica? What do /vice/db/VRList and
/vice/vol/BigVolumeList look like?

Are there messages about incomplete hostsets in ViceCOP2 or something
similar in either server log?

Received on 2003-08-22 10:25:38