Coda File System

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From: Lionix <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 22:58:56 +0100 (CET)
Hi R.M.N.B. Ratnayake wrote:

You'll find coda very impressive !!!!
Welcome in coda community !!!! :o)

>please help me for the following probloms
>1. Frist I need to install the coda systems to Windows server NT4.0

If i were you i would install BSD or linux on your computer with a boot loader....
I think you'll have more possible help under unix-like OS.

>2.I downloads Coda-5.2.3.tgz and coda-debug-server-5.2.4-1.exe  using 
> web site

Why do you want to use such old versions ?????
Is it really necessery ??
You could get all sources in src dir on the web server...
There is a debian folder too..


Realm ( newbee ?) Administrator
Hundreds hours of work... but so powerfull !!!! 
Received on 2003-11-11 16:59:52