Coda File System

Re: FAQ: Is Coda ready for use?

From: Joerg Sommer <>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 17:48:09 +0000 (UTC)
begin  Lionix <> wrote:
> Joerg Sommer wrote:
> logrus:/coda/RootMaison$ cat ici-root-rk
> ahahahha you are on the root-replicated volume....
> What are you doing here .????? :o)


>>pam_kerberos works, but this isn't relevant. What I want to know is, does
>>coda grants access if a valid kerberos token is present and does the
>>kerberos UID match the coda uid - otherwise ls prints false user names?
> You'll perhaps have to set up uid in coda to be the same as your 
> kerberos server.

Yes, this is like in AFS. But what is with the token? Must I type in my
password two times, one for kerberos and one for coda?

Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile. (Aristoteles)
Received on 2003-12-04 00:34:33
Binary file ./codalist-2003/5882.html matches