Coda File System

Re: Multiple servers on single machine with single NIC and IP?

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 16:11:45 -0500
On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 12:12:16PM -0500, Ivan Popov wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Samir Patel wrote:
> >  (2) is it possible to run more than one server on one machine with a
> > single IP address?
> I don't think so, but let it have several ip addresses?

You are right. When a client asks about the location of a volume, it is
given a single IPv4 address for each replica and assumes that there will
be a Coda server that knows about the replica at that ip-address
listening on the (hardcoded/reserved) port 2432/udp.

As a result, you cannot run more than a single server per ip-address and
multi-homed hosts have some issues as well when some addresses are not
reachable from f.i. the internal network.

Things will improve, but there is not a simple fix that would make
things work correctly at the moment.

Received on 2003-12-15 16:13:13
Binary file ./codalist-2003/5915.html matches