Coda File System

Re: Backing up coda volumes

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 19:35:37 -0500
On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 02:31:04PM -0600, Jason A. Pattie wrote:
> Is there a better way to do this?  I've seen the amanda .deb's after
> dpkg-buildpackage'ing coda CVS.  Do I just install those?  Is there
> documentation on how to setup Amanda to directly backup the coda volumes
> without having to run the script?

At the moment we're using a modified Amanda backup. The most significant
modification to the original Amanda is to avoid the horrible death
whenever they see the 'coda' backuptype show up in the configuration files.

For the rest it just wraps some scripts around sendsize and sendbackup
on the Amanda clients. Just browsing the configuration on the backup

# Coda backup types
define dumptype coda-global {
        comment "Common setting for (daily) Coda dumps"
        program "CODA"
        index no
        compress fast
        record yes
define dumptype coda-sys {
        comment "Coda system volumes"
        priority low
define dumptype coda-usr {
        comment "Coda user volumes"
        priority high
define dumptype coda-usr-test {
        comment "Testrun for dumping Coda user volumes"
        record no
define dumptype coda-media { 
        comment "Coda media file volumes"
        options compress-fast   
        priority medium
#       strategy nofull

# single replicas on viotti
viotti          vio:p.source.coda-5                      coda-sys
# vivaldi/mahler, replicated volumes with 2 replicas
mahler                              coda-media
vivaldi                              coda-media
mahler          vm:p.coda                                coda-sys
vivaldi         vm:p.coda                                coda-sys
# verdi/mozart/marais, triply replicated user volumes
marais          vmm:u.jaharkes                           coda-usr
mozart          vmm:u.jaharkes                           coda-usr
verdi           vmm:u.jaharkes                           coda-usr

That's about it for the server-side configuration (beyond the usual
Amanda setup for backing up normal disks). On the Coda servers the
amanda-client packages should set up everything with the right wrapper
scripts around sendsize and sendbackup.

It works pretty much the same as backing up normal volumes with dump,
except that the Coda backups are in Coda's 'voldump' format, so
restoring is still a bit more work and it isn't possible to pull
individual files out of the dumps.

I'm not yet 100% convinced about the reliability, it was working quite
well during the experimental setup when my desktop was running the
Amanda server, but since we moved that functionality to a machine in the
lab a lot of incremental backups seem to fail. Haven't figured out yet
what exactly is causing that.

Received on 2004-02-23 19:37:35