Coda File System

reintegration problems

From: Johannes Martin <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 16:08:52 +0200 (CEST)

I've got a problem reintegrating my laptop after it was disconnected. The
laptop had been suspended for a few hours and files had been modified on
the server. The laptop was then woken up but was still in disconnected
mode as venus hadn't realized yet that the network connection was up.

Now, I've got a inconsistency at the root of a coda volume. Venus starts
up fine with the following message:
	15:47:17 Venus starting...
	15:47:17 Reintegrate coda:home:jmartin pending tokens for uid = 1000
	15:47:17 /coda now mounted.

	15:47:22 Local inconsistent object at ???/home/jmartin, please check!

	15:47:25 Resolved realm 'xxx.yyy'
	15:52:22 Local inconsistent object at /coda/xxx.yyy/home/jmartin, please check!
	15:57:17 volume coda:home:jmartin has unrepaired local subtree(s), skip checkpointing CML!

Now there are a few different scenarios:
- sometimes, venus falls asleep as soon as I clog:
	07:25:04 fatal error -- cmlent::thread: can't find (5086c288.7f000001.1.1)
	07:25:09 RecovTerminate: clean shutdown
	Assertion failed: 0, file "", line 2476
	Sleeping forever.  You may use gdb to attach to process 1005.Assertion
	failed: 0, file "", line 541
	Sleeping forever.  You may use gdb to attach to process 1005.

- when I tried just now, I was able to clog, but repair failed:
	repair > beginrepair
	Pathname of object in conflict? []: jmartin
	No such replica vid=0xffffffff
	Could not allocate replica list
	beginrepair failed.
  cfs beginrepair had actually been executed and ls -l jmartin showed the
	total 4
	lrw-r--r--    1 root     nogroup        43 Apr 19 16:01 global -> \@7f000001.00000001.00000001\
	drwxrwxrwx   28 root     nogroup      4096 Apr 18 20:38 local/
  Now, when I cd'ed into local to see what files are there, I got the
  following [venus.err]:
	16:02:07 Fatal Signal (11); pid 637 becoming a zombie...
	16:02:07 You may use gdb to attach to 637

  Some messages from [venus.log]:
	[ T(01) : 0156 : 16:01:18 ] BeginRvmFlush (1, 17240, T)
	[ T(01) : 0156 : 16:01:18 ] EndRvmFlush

	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:01:21 ] Cachefile::SetLength 512
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:01:21 ] fsobj::Fakeify: going into the old code
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:01:21 ] fsobj::Fakeify: making 5086c288.7f000000.fffffffc.803da a symlink @ffffffff.ffffffff.00000002_at_localhost.
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:01:34 ] fsobj::Fakeify: going into the old code
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:01:34 ] fsobj::Fakeify: making 5086c288.7f000000.fffffffc.803d9 a symlink @7f000001.00000001.00000001_at_xxx.yyy.
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:01:34 ] fsdb::Get: trying to access localized object 5086c288.7f000001.1.1
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:01:34 ] fsdb::Get: trying to access localized object 5086c288.7f000001.1.1
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:02:07 ] Cachefile::SetLength 1536
	[ W(20) : 0000 : 16:02:07 ] *****  FATAL SIGNAL (11) *****

I can than kill -9 venus and restart it, but won't get any farther.

I'm running coda 6.0.5 on a debian woody system.

Any hints on how to repair this problem (if it helps, I don't need any of
the data that is locally cached).

Received on 2004-04-19 10:14:33