Coda File System

Re: codasrv crashes, won't come back up, production server down :(

From: Steve Simitzis <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 11:15:51 -0700
aha, fantastic.

would you recommend stopping all venus clients from running while
in this "unsafe" mode?

i was thinking that i would bring it back up, tar the data to local
disk, then purge the troubled volume once the data is safe. then
i would restore the tar file into a fresh new volume.

do you see any flaws with that approach?

On 08/13/04, Jan Harkes <> wrote: 

> There is a global 'AllowResolution' flag that will turn off all
> resolution related code, (including the SalvageLogs checks). It should
> be possible to start the server this way. But since we disable some
> essential code no data should be written! There is likely some RVM
> corruption, hopefully limited to only this volume but once the server is
> up, it should be possible to fetch all the data from this volume.
> /etc/coda/server.conf
>     resolution=0
> I don't know really why this flag is there, globally turning off
> resolution looks a bit dangerous to me.
> Jan


steve simitzis : /sim' - i - jees/
          pala : saturn5 productions : 415.282.9979
  hath the daemon spawn no fire?
Received on 2004-08-13 14:18:15