Coda File System

Re: codasrv crashes, won't come back up, production server down :(

From: Steve Simitzis <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 02:48:40 -0700
i found that the timeout settings were extremely helpful. they
eliminated all the problems i was having with "connection timed out"
errors when running a tar or a backup of a mounted /coda tree. very
helpful. i am finally able to run backups that aren't write only.

On 08/13/04, Jan Harkes <> wrote: 

> On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 02:32:59PM -0400, Jan Harkes wrote:
> > I'm wondering if there are some flags to relax the rpc2 timeouts to a
> > minute or more (instead of the current 15 seconds). That should add a
> > bit to the overall reliability.
> It looks like there actually are. But rpc2 seems to choose the lowest
> setting that either the client or the server provides, so it needs to be
> set on both ends.
> For the server it is a setting in the configuration file,
>     /etc/coda/server.conf
>     timeout=60
> On the client it is a command line option,
>     venus -timeout 60
> Another value to change along with this could be the number of retries
> (the default is 5 retries). This shouldn't really be all that necessary,
> it might only increase network congestion.
>     /etc/coda/server.conf
>     retries=10
>     venus -retries 10
> Jan


steve simitzis : /sim' - i - jees/
          pala : saturn5 productions : 415.282.9979
  hath the daemon spawn no fire?
Received on 2004-08-16 05:54:29