Coda File System

RPC2 and TCP on wireless networks

From: Troy Benjegerdes <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 13:51:36 -0500
I'm taking a course this semester on wireless networking , so I'm thinking of doing some
evaluation of RPC2 and TCP as a course project.

Have there been any recent papers on RPC2 vs other new wireless TCP
alorithms? I did a brief look on citeseer, but nothing obvious came up.
I thought it would be most effective to ask the main users of rpc2 first

I would also appreciate any pointers on how to get various RPC2 test
cases set up and running, and compare them with tcp. I suppose one test
case I could think of would be to transfer a set of files with tcp, then
with rpc2 SFTP. Another project I'm thinking about would be to make an
RPC2 module for NetPIPE (
Received on 2004-08-31 14:54:01