Coda File System

Dir entry XX, should be in hash bucket X

From: Troy Benjegerdes <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 14:18:18 -0500
I saw the following in the venus logs.. is this an error on the server?


bucket 41, but is in 87DIR: 0x539c6f08,  LENGTH: 4096

(0 52) (1 89) (2 40) (6 27) (7 87) (9 91) (13 42) (15 73) (17 62) (24
16) (26 28) (29 41) (30 45) (31 70) (32 85) (36 56) (40 60) (43 46) (46
13) (47 75) (58 21) (68 29) (76 23) (78 67) (79 43) (87 77) (88 58) (98
50) (102 44) (105 79) (106 81) (108 48) (111 39) (112 31) (116 24) (117
37) (121 36)
Received on 2004-09-01 15:19:52
Binary file ./codalist-2004/6779.html matches