Coda File System

Re: Venus error

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:32:58 -0400
On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 07:23:08PM +0800, Alvin Chan wrote:
> 18:10:47 Coda Venus, version 6.0.9
> 18:46:22 Starting RealmDB scan
> 18:46:22        Found 592 realms

Huh, 592 realms? where did those come from?

> 18:46:22 starting FSDB scan (833, 20000) (25, 75, 4)
> 18:46:22        591 cache files in table (0 blocks)
> 18:46:22        242 cache files on free-list

And 591 file objects, I would have expected at least nr-realms + 1.

> 18:46:22 /coda now mounted.
> ***LWP (0x811ca90): Select returns error: 4
> Assertion failed: !STREQ(name, ".") && !STREQ(name, ".."), file "/usr/src/redhat /BUILD/coda-6.0.9/coda-src/venus/", line 470

But this is the strangest one of all, this is when fsobj::Lookup is
called for '.' or '..'. However every path that I can find that leads to
this function either has,

    /* don't allow '.', '..', '/' */
    verifyname(name, NAME_NO_DOTS);

Or it has special handling for the '.' or '..' objects. i.e.
vproc::lookup immediately returns the directory on which we tried to
perform the lookup itself, or returns it's parent directory, but never
actually calls fsobj::Lookup.

I have no idea what is going on with your client.

Received on 2005-04-29 10:36:40