Coda File System

Re: moving a dying server

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 10:34:47 -0400
On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 08:12:19AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
> Don't worry - expanding replicas seems way too hairy.   I'm going to
> try moving LOG, DATA and vicepa.
> On another logical machine (the one whose old hw will be the new
> server), I moved all the venus state with rsync, and found wrong
> contents and had the machine lock up.  So I imagine venus has the
> inode #s hardwired and passes those to the kernel which might not
> check well enough (NetBSD 2.99.15).  I'll mklka (thanks again Satya
> for doing this) and reinit.

Yes, on *BSD venus passed down a device/inode number pair which is used
to access the container file*. The inode numbers are stored in RVM
probably to avoid the overhead of calling stat() on the container file
before we pass the information to the kernel.

One way to fix this would be to refresh the RVM cached inode numbers by
replacing the 'inode == tstat.st_ino' test in CacheFile::ValidContainer
with an assignment. The other way would be to not store the inode
numbers in RVM and stat() the container whenever we return from the
CODA_OPEN upcall.

* The Windows kernel modules don't work based on device/inode numbers,
so they use CODA_OPEN_BY_NAME and we return the name of the container
file. Linux is different as well, it uses CODA_OPEN_BY_FD and we return
an open file descriptor. The inode numbers are not guaranteed to be
unique or are even non-existent on filesystems that live completely in
the pagecache like ramfs and tmpfs. I think there also was a problem
with journalling filesystems (reiserfs) which didn't actually commit any
writes to disk if we directly accessed the container file by
device/inode number pair because the journal commit was only performed
when a filehandle was closed.

Received on 2005-06-16 10:35:58