Coda File System

Re: ACL problem with 6.0.11

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:16:32 -0400
On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 11:33:40AM +0100, Alastair Johnson wrote:
> One small problem is that I no longer seem to be able to set ACLs in the root 
> volume. If as the admin configured in vice-setup I try changing the rights of 
> System:AnyUser for a directory Conpany in the root volume i get:
> $ cfs sa Company System:AnyUser none
> Company: Connection timed out
> Anyone have any ideas about what might be happening? I'm going to
> increase the log level and see if there are any differences between a
> successful change and a failed one.

SetACLs returns ETIMEDOUT if the volume is not fully connected. You can
check the volume state in a case like this with 'cfs lv Company'. If it
is write-disconnected, you can try if cfs forcereintegrate or cfs
writereconnect (cfs fr/cfs wr) manages to bring the volume to connected

Received on 2005-06-30 08:17:31