(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
I've been reading a lot of sources trying to find a way to implement a database on CODA and get it distributed that way. Unfortunately, I found out that CODA apparently doesn't support concurrency, so i came up with an idea of implementing distributed 2-phase-locks algorithms on my own by using files containing each a single record, then the locks would be applied on certain record-files. The SCM server should contain the global directory with the information about the "fragments" and their location. A fragment would consist of a collection of record-files. My goal is to create a distributed database schema for academic/teaching purposes that is fully functional. although in a small scale, i want it to have possibilities to grow. I know this might seem a little nuts for some of you, but i would like to know your points of view on this idea. Please tell me if I'm wasting my time hehehehehe :) Alex Rivera.Received on 2006-06-24 04:00:27