(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hi list, I have installed on FC5 the following packages on the client: lwp-2.3-1.i386.rpm rpc2-2.4-1.i386.rpm rvm-1.13-1.i386.rpm coda-client-6.1.1-1.i386.rpm On the server: lwp-2.3-1.i386.rpm rpc2-2.4-1.i386.rpm rvm-1.13-1.i386.rpm rvm-tools-1.13-1.i386.rpm coda-server-6.1.2-1.i386.rpm It is installed on two different hosts... I have done the installation as it is described in http://linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/4481/1/ That should be the most uptodate documentation. I am able to start the client and connect it to the server. And then it behaves a bit strange, because i am not able to write on /coda. For example: In the installation of the server I have created a user called "coda" as my superuser. # clog coda username: coda_at_clusty1 Unable to resolve addresses for Coda auth2 servers in realm 'clusty1' Password: Invalid login (RPC2_FAIL (F)). like that it works: # clog -host clusty1 coda username: coda_at_clusty1 Password: If i try to list my token: # ctokens Tokens held by the Cache Manager for root: like that it works: # ctokens @clusty1 Tokens held by the Cache Manager for root: @clusty1 Coda user id: 500 Expiration time: Wed Dec 6 11:47:38 2006 Why behaves it like that. As mentioned in the documentation it should work with "clog coda" and "ctokens"!!! Why does it not??? # cfs lv /coda Status of volume ff000001 (4278190081) named "CodaRoot" Volume type is Backup Connection State is Connected Reintegration age: 0 sec, hogtime 0.000 sec Minimum quota is 0, maximum quota is unlimited Current blocks used are 0 The partition has 0 blocks available out of 0 Here I get "Volume type is Backup". In the examples one gets "Volume type is ReadWrite". Why is that??? If i invoke: # cfs la /coda/ System:AnyUser rl I have no System:Administrator like in the online Documentation: # cfs listacl /coda System:Administrators rlidwka System:AnyUser rl If I invoke the pdbtool on the server: # pdbtool pdbtool> list USER System * id: 1 * belongs to groups: [ -2 ] * cps: [ -2 1 ] * owns groups: [ -2 ] USER coda * id: 500 * belongs to groups: [ -1 ] * cps: [ -1 500 ] * owns groups: [ -1 ] GROUP System:AnyUser OWNED BY System * id: -2 * owner id: 1 * belongs to no groups * cps: [ -2 ] * has members: [ 1 ] GROUP System:Administrators OWNED BY coda * id: -1 * owner id: 500 * belongs to no groups * cps: [ -1 ] * has members: [ 500 ] Here the server tells me that i have got System:Administrators!!! So it does not surprise that I have no write access on /coda. But what did I miss. I have installed it already several times with different versions and always i get the same thing as described. How I get coda working properly for me??? Thanks a lot... AchimReceived on 2006-12-05 05:08:37