Coda File System

Re: adding user failed

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 19:58:39 +0100
On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 04:48:53PM +0100, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
>     cfs setacl /mnt/coda/jupiter.local/home/nekrad nekrad rlidwka

That has been mentioned on the list several times. Please do not
mount Coda at non-standard places. If it is your OS distribution which
says so, it is a bug in the distribution. I know that Gentoo had that
but they should have fixed since then.

I want to make it clear. It is a secondary and potentially unrelated
problem that the acl setting does not work, but your setup is wrong.

Path globality is very important even if one does not feel a need for it
"right now".
Coda paths are assumed to be /coda/<realm>/files and not anything else.

Regards, Rune
Received on 2007-02-28 14:02:26