Coda File System

Re: A little bit of help required on realm setup

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 19:25:04 -0400
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 01:16:10AM +0630, dhiraj_c wrote:
> I named the entry in DNS as because I want the realm to
> be named ( I also put the entry in mararc file for dns
> as and in file I added the entries for
> both the servers.

I don't really know anything about maradns myself, but working from the
bottom up would be,

1) can you resolve and to ip
   addresses. i.e.

    dig -t a

    if this doesn't work then your /etc/resolv.conf is probably not
    set up to use your own DNS server.

2) once you can resolve the host names to ip addresses, we can short
   circuit the realm -> host mapping by adding an entry to

   At this point you should be able to access your realm with cfs lv
   /coda/ If this doesn't work the but the hostname
   resolution worked, the servers may not be set up correctly yet.

3) once we know that things work we can avoid having to add an explicit
   entry to /etc/coda/realms on every client by adding the appropriate
   SRV record to the DNS records. Not sure what maradns
   wants, but effectively we want a successful result from the following
   dns lookup,

	dig -t srv

   where a successful result would be something like, IN SRV 0 0 2432 IN SRV 0 0 2432

> Well what I figured out was my client machine should know the ip
> address of the DNS server. Where do I provide that? (to be frank I do
> not have a good knowledge of DNS as of now).

Most likely a 'nameserver' entry in /etc/resolv.conf (where is the ip-address of your DNS server.

> Actually I want to have a configuration in which I have 2 coda servers
> with different volumes on them under the same realm name and want the
> client to resolve the realm and the server address to which it wants
> to connect to, via DNS only. Is this somewhere documented on how to
> make this configuration?

When venus tries to access the realm it first looks for the IN SRV
record, which would then return one or more 'volume' servers in your
realm. These volume servers are then used to map volume names to file
servers. Every codasrv process provides volume server functionality, but
it is mostly separate from their file server functionality. You could
have a codaserver that exports no files but is only used to answer
volume location queries. Or it is possible to have a codaserver that
only handles file requests, by not listing it as one of the realm's root
servers in the SRV record.

Once your clients can resolve the SRV record and can discover the root
servers, everything else should fall out automatically because the
volume location responses return ip-addresses. Returning ip-addresses is
a bit of a problem because the servers now do the resolution and a valid
ip from their perpective may not be the right one for the clients, i.e.
the local server can resolve to which may be correct locally,
but is not correct for clients that are running on another machine.

Received on 2008-08-11 19:26:02